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About me What are your favorite things to do?   I enjoy doing art, creating  random things, writing  What subject is the easiest for you and why? Art is easiest  What subject is the hardest for young why? English is difficult because synthesis of text is difficult for me. What are you interested in that is  not  a school subject? What are your current top 3 career choices? Why are you interested in them? What is the easiest way for you to learn something? Describe your work ethic. What is your interest in photography? If you are doing art as well, what is your interest in art? I  Why did you sign up for this class? I love doing art, and I am good at it. Do you have a cell phone that takes pictures?  Is the camera working? Yes Do you have access to another digital camera other than your cell phone and if so, what kind of camera is it (point and shoot or DSLR -the bigger and more professional one)? I have a DSLR Camera  What do you w

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